You can change the speed. There is a folder inside the Bottega theme called js. Inside it, you’ll need to edit a file called custom.js and look for this spot:
$j(window).load(function() {
effect:’fade’, //Specify sets like: ‘fold,fade,sliceDown’
animSpeed:500, //Slide transition speed
directionNav:false //Next & Prev
You can change the animSpeed:500 to adjust the speed of the transitions.
You can change the pauseTime:4000 to set the length of each slide.
The times are in milliseconds (4000 = 4 seconds)
WordPress doesn’t allow the editing of javascript files from the theme editor, so you’ll need to use either your web host’s control panel to edit the file or you’ll need to edit it on your local computer and upload the changes back to your theme.