Forum Tips

Support Area Forums Grassroots Forum Tips

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  • #26714
    Bill Robbins

    At Organized Themes, I am happy to help you out with your site. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of my support here at Organized Themes.

    1. Always include the URL to the page you’re asking about. If the site is not online, do mention that. I often need to take a look at the site, so including the URL will help you get an answer more quickly. Nine out of ten times if the site URL isn’t listed my first reply will be to ask for it. Going on and including it will skip that and ultimately speed up the help you need.
    2. Post one main question per topic. Having multiple questions makes it very difficult to keep track of follow up questions.

      I also answer questions in order from the quickest to answer to the ones that will take longer. That way I can give the fastest reply to the greatest number of people. Multiple question topics always get shuffled to the bottom of the list since they take longer to reply to.

    3. Be specific. It doesn’t have to be long, but by including details as to what happened and what you’re trying to do, you’ll get help more quickly.
    4. Monday is my busiest day for support. I’m catching up from the weekend and typically there are just more requests then as well. Please go on and post your topic, just be aware that it may take slightly longer than normal to get a reply.

    Thanks again for using Organized Themes. If I can help, please feel free to ask.

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