Hello Mike,
Sorry for the trouble there getting your menu set up. In the demo, I use the “shortcode” option to add in the menu groups. I’ve pasted in the content from the page here below (you’ll have to visit this post to see it as it won’t appear in the email).
I copied that from the text tab of the page editor instead of the visual so it would be easier to see.
This is what the menu “shortcode” looks like:
[menu group="appetizers"]
What WordPress does is replace that shortcode with a list of all the food items that have been published to that menu group. In that shortcode appetizers is the “slug” of the menu group that I want to display. You can find the slug by going to Food in your WordPress dashboard and clicking on Menu Groups. All of your menu groups will be listed on the right along with their slugs.
Above and below each shortcode you can add in text, images, videos horizontal lines and so on to make your menu the way you want it to be.
In the demo I use a heading to give the name of each menu group. I also insert a horizontal line between the groups to break them up. There are buttons in the visual editor’s toolbar that you can use to make text into a heading or insert a horizontal line.
Just remember only published food items will be included and only the ones assigned to that menu group.
Give that a shot and let me know if I can help out.
Have a great weekend,