It is possible to edit the theme to add in a Google icon for you to use. Here’s how:
1) Go to the media section and select add new
2) Upload the image below and copy the URL that WordPress gives you for it.
It’s white so it may be a bit hard to see, but it’s there.
3) Go to the appearance section and select edit to open up the theme editor.
4) From the list of files on your right, choose header-links.php
5) Look for this spot:
<?php if(of_get_option(‘rss’) == ‘yes’) { ?>
and paste this right above it:
6) You’ll need to change the to your Google Plus profile URL and the to the URL to your icon.
7) Save your changes.
That will add the Google Plus icon and link for you.
You could use the same method for adding a Constant Contact link, but I don’t have an icon to send you for that.
The easiest way to add the Constant Contact box would be to use a sidebar widget. There are several plugins that can handle that in a pretty straightforward way.
If you have any trouble, let me know.