sidebar position on posts page isn't displaying correctly when comments are closed

Support Area Forums Authentic sidebar position on posts page isn't displaying correctly when comments are closed

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    Jack Speranza

    Hi Bill —

    I’ve encountered an issue for which I haven’t been able to make a quick diagnosis, and am hoping you may be able to help out.

    The sidebar container on my blog posts is positioned appropriately when comments are open, but once comments are closed it gets re-positioned to the bottom of the page — it’s hard to describe, so here are 2 pages where you can see what’s happening ::

    comments open (positioned properly) ::

    comments closed (positioned improperly) ::

    I’m not familiar enough with the WordPress framework to have anything jump out at me when I view the page source. Any idea on what’s causing this?


    Jack S.

    Bill Robbins


    That looks like a bug when comments are closed. Here’s how to squash it.

    1. Go to the Appearance section of your WordPress control panel and select edit to open up the theme editor (or use the editor of your choice).
    2. From the list of files on your right, choose comments.php and look for this spot near the bottom:
      <p><?php _e('Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.','organizedthemes'); ?></p>
    3. Right after the closing </p> add this:
    4. Save your changes.

    I believe that will fix the problem and return everything to the spot where it needs to be. If you have any trouble or questions, just let me know.

    Great job on your site by the way. I’d love to include it in our upcoming showcase if that’s ok with you.


    Jack Speranza

    Hi Bill —

    Thanks for your quick response (and your compliments on my site… and I’d be flattered were you to include it among your promotional materials.)

    Unfortunately, your suggested change doesn’t seem to have done the trick…

    What else can I provide you with to help diagnose this issue?

    Bill Robbins


    Well that won’t do. Let’s try another option. This time let’s replace all the content in the comments.php file with the code below:

    I gave it a quick test on my it appeared to work as expected. Let me know if you have any trouble.

    Thanks for letting us include you guys in our showcase. As soon as we’re set up with our new site, it will be live.


    Jack Speranza

    Thanks Bill, that did the trick!

    Really appreciate the prompt help.


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