mp4 video not playing using chrome

Support Area Forums Pneuma mp4 video not playing using chrome

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  • #34970
    Paul Spiller


    This follows a topic on social icons not working that you helped me with – however, maybe needs a new topic.

    The video in the main page slider works fine with safari and firefox but not using chrome on my mac (osx 10.7.4) Chrome version 33.0150.117. It does not even seem to load the video.

    I am doing a bit of research as to why this is but just wanted to check if you can help. I do read that chrome had problems with MP4 but not sure of current status.


    Bill Robbins

    Hi Paul,

    Good question. When you’re using self hosted video, you’ll want to use three copies of the video, mp4, ogv and webm. There are licensing issues which kept any of those formats from being used on all browsers unfortunately.

    I’ve used a converter at several times to create the various versions for our demos. Once each file format is there, I would expect the video to work cross browser.

    This is one of the main reasons why I generally host my videos on Vimeo or YouTube since they handle all of that automatically.

    Have a great week,

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