Version 1.1.7 menu trouble

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  • #38251
    Lara Marsh

    I just upgraded from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7 and have the same major menu issues. Ideas? Thanks Bill!

    Lara Marsh

    Bill –

    It’s setting up to display tinynav with max width of 767 even though I’m in full desktop mode. With the tinynav it has overflow set to visible, hence it looks like all menu items are expanded. Since I see you changed the menu in 1.1.7, I’m going to wait to hack the CSS until I hear a more elegant (hopefully!) solution from you.

    Thank you!

    Bill Robbins

    Hey Lara,

    I moved your reply to a separate topic. Looking at the site, did you happen to create a header.php file inside your child theme? Some of the changes in version 1.1.7 affected the parent theme’s header.php file. This section in version 1.1.6:

    <div class="menu-button"><?php echo get_theme_mod( 'mobile-nav-label', 'Menu' ) ?></div>
    				<nav id="primary-site-navigation">
    					<ul data-breakpoint="767" class="flexnav">
    						<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 
    							'theme_location'	=> 'primary',
    							'container'			=> 'false',
    							'items_wrap'		=> '%3$s',
    							'depth'				=> 3,
    							'fallback_cb'		=> false
    							) ); ?>

    was changed to this in version 1.1.7:

    (See support site for the rest of the code there).

    Try updating your child theme’s header.php file and see if that won’t allow the new scripts to correctly work with the menu. It should also take out the unnecessary “menu” button just above the navigation.

    Let me know what you turn up,

    Lara Marsh

    Bill –

    You’re the bomb! That fixed it. Thank you!


    Bill Robbins

    Glad that did the trick for you 🙂

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