Menu Questions

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URL to the page in question: http://
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  • #21124
    Ashley Davis

    Hi Bill,

    Two questions regarding the menu:

    1. Is there a way to change the mobile menu button colors?

    2. I coded my header to be transparent, but now it’s not staying at the top of the screen when scrolling down a page. What did I do wrong?


    Bill Robbins

    Good questions. The mobile menu will use the colors for the drop-down portion of the navigation menu. It should mirror what’s set there.

    The navigation menu is transparent on a page with a hero area. Once the browser has been scrolled down to almost the bottom of the hero section a color is applied to its background like in the demo. There is a color selector that you can use to change the color to something other than black. If you need it to be transparent when it’s scrolled down, you would use this:

    1. Go to the Theme Options page and select the Advanced tab.
    2. Scroll down to the Custom CSS box and paste this:
      body.standard #header, #header,
      body.archive #header,
      body.error404 #header, #header {
      	background-color: transparent;
    3. Update your settings.

    That will make it have a transparent background everywhere.


    Ashley Davis

    Perfect, thanks Bill!

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