Menu alignment and image questions

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  • #12808
    Malcolm Bedell

    Hi Bill! I have a few quick questions about Photobug. You can see my site at .

    1. Why is the menu in the header aligning to the top of the page?
    2. On this page (, why is the gallery showing both on the left of the post, and under the text?
    3. Why do none of my photos seem to be opening in a lightbox?

    Thank you!

    Bill Robbins


    Let’s see if we can find you some answers:

    1. The navigation is made like that so a header widget can push it down into place. You can move it without a widget though. Here’s how:

    1. Go to the Theme Options page and select the Styling tab.
    2. Scroll down to the Custom CSS box and paste this:
      header.primary nav {
      	margin-top: 70px;
    3. Update your settings.

    That should move it down. You can change the 70 in the snippet above to adjust how far from the top the navigation ends up.

    2 & 3. With WordPress 3.6 released last week, my lightbox script had a bit of trouble with the new version of the javascript library jQuery that's included with WordPress. The new WordPress includes version 1.10.2 of jQuery, but my script was reading 1.10 as being equal to 1.1 which made it think an old version of jQuery was in use.

    I wrote a quick plugin that you can download and install that will use the jQuery from the last version of WordPress. That should fix the trouble.

    I've updated the actual lightbox script, but I need to test it just a bit more to make sure is all is well before I release an update to the themes. Once the theme is updated you won't need the plugin anymore.

    If you run into any trouble, let me know,

    Malcolm Bedell

    Thanks for consistently offering the best support of any premium theme I have ever purchased.

    Malcolm Bedell

    Your solutions fixed most of my issues, but I am still seeing double galleries. Why would that be?

    Bill Robbins

    It looks like there is a thumbnail gallery that’s been inserted into the post itself and that’s why you’re seeing double images. The theme will automatically display a gallery of all the images that have been uploaded on that post so you don’t have to also insert a gallery. Try taking out the WordPress gallery and see if that won’t fix it for you.

    If you need anything, just let me know,

    Kenny Holloway

    The Photobug demo theme is showing content overlapping on the sidebar in Chrome Version 28.0.1500.95 for Mac. I haven’t tried other browsers. Also some photo clicks resolve to a lightbox while others land on the hosted image.

    I’m interested in using this theme if it demoed clean.

    Bill Robbins


    Sorry for the trouble. We just updated the demos themes today to a new version and also WordPress 3.6. Try clearing out your browser cache and see if that doesn’t take care of it for you. If you still see content overlapping the sidebar, let me know what you see where and I’ll take a look. I’m not seeing any in Chrome on my end.

    The theme is intended to have galleries on the main blog pages instead of just the single view. If there is a large image above the post title, then that’s the featured image and will link to the single post. You can also have a video there.

    If you see thumbnails next to the title or below it, they will open in a lightbox instead of linking through.

    Let me know if you have any questions or trouble,

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