instagram icon on foxy theme

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URL to the page in question:
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  • #11082

    Hi guys,

    first of all, thanks for your support here.

    I have a foxy theme installed on a web and I would like to know how can I introduce an INSTAGRAM ICON in the top bar. I just have the facebook icon ON but in the control panel there is only options for youtube, linkedin, vimeo, foursquare, yelp…

    I suppose I will have to change anything on the CSS but I dont know where I have to do it

    This is the web:

    Best regards and thanks


    Bill Robbins


    Thank you for your business first of all. You can add in an Instagram icon. Here’s how:

    1. Download the image below (you can drag it to your desktop or right-click it and choose “save as”). It’s a white image so it’s hard to see, but it’s there.

    2. Next go to the Media section of your WordPress control panel and select “Add New.” Upload the image you just downloaded. Once the upload finishes, click edit and then copy the URL to the image file.
    3. Next go to the Appearance section and select Edit.
    4. From the list of files on your right, choose header-links.php and look for this spot:
      	<?php if(of_get_option('facebook', $single = true) != ""){ ?>
      		<a href="">
      	<?php } ?>
    5. Right below that paste in this:

    6. Replace the with the URL to your Instagram profile page and the with the URL to your image you copied earlier.
    7. Save your changes.

    That should do it. Let me know if you have any questions or trouble.

    Thanks again,


    Hi BIll,
    thank u very much.

    I’ve done what you have told me, now the instagram icon appears on the top bar but the links aren’t OK. Here you are a screenshot of the css edition:

    Take a look to icons on the web, they take you to



    Bill Robbins


    I took a look and the icon sends me to the Instagram page ( I gave it a try in Chrome and Firefox. Which browser and version are you having it send you to me instead of instagram?

    We’ll figure it out,

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