Home Page Content Under the Slider

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URL to the page in question: http://manning-law.robynmcginty.com/wp/
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  • #17488

    Hi Bill!

    I would like to place content/copy, under the full width of the homepage slider and then have the bottom widgets below that. Can you help?


    Bill Robbins

    Good Morning Robyn,

    Great question. I would suggest using a plugin called Black Studio TinyMCE which adds a new widget to your site that uses the WordPress post editor. That way you can add text, style it, includes images links and so on too. Plus you won’t have to edit the theme either that way.

    Then we can use just a bit of styling to make it full width. Here’s how to do that:

    1. Go to the Theme Options page and select the Styling tab.
    2. Scroll down to the Custom CSS box and paste this:
      .home-lower .widget.widget_black_studio_tinymce {
      	width: 100%;
    3. Update your settings.

    That should do it for you. If you have any trouble, let me know.

    Have a great day,

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