Elite theme: iPad and iPhone not serving out mobile version of hero image

Support Area Forums Elite Elite theme: iPad and iPhone not serving out mobile version of hero image

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URL to the page in question: http://fenwickct.com
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  • #37041
    Erik Smelser

    Good afternoon:

    Thanks for your help the other day on setting the breakpoints for when the mobile image takes over for the default featured image. I used the following:

    @media only screen and (max-width : 1024px) {

    Foolishly, I used Screenfly to test the differnt screen sizes and was delilghted to see that everything was firing as I desired. The problem is that in “real world” iPhone and iPads, the site is not working correctly.

    I’ve confirmed that image substitution is working: on the desktop version, I get the desired image of the house. On the iPad version, I’m served an image of a cat (as I said, I was making SURE the image substitution was happening.)

    Here’s where things go wrong: The image of the cat is 320 x 480 (iphone 3/4 size). When I look at that image on an iPad or iPhone, it’s blown way up and blows out the rest of the home page sections.

    Could this be an iPhone / iPad viewport issue?

    Lastly, from an earlier support thread, your customer mentioned that domain forwarding / masking may be the culprit. See below:

    Thanks Bill,

    That gets me pointed in the right direction. Through my godaddy account, I forewarded the domain http://www.musicbycaroline.com to http://musicbycaroline.centurisolutions.net with masking! That might be where the problem is happening. Thank you again for your help and have a blessed weekend!


    If forwarding and masking turn out to be the culprit, then I’d be amazed. But before pursuing that avenue, I need to resolve anything pertaining to coding.

    What do you think?


    Bill Robbins

    Hey Erik,

    Great question there. You could always visit the original domain directly via your mobile device and see how it works there. I would imagine that would let you know if the frame is throwing things off with the mobile.

    Let me know how it goes,

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