Don't have Home option in Templates

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  • #33225
    Judy Rich

    Hi there, I’m trying to set up a new install of this theme, and I do not have Home listed as an option in the Templates drop-down menu when I create a page. Thanks in advance for the help!

    – Judy

    Judy Rich

    Okay, I think I figured that out – made it the home page within the WordPress settings. But do you have a template to start with that gets me closer to the example you use in your theme demo? It feels like a LOT of work to get it to that point, and I see some other templates to get started but not the one used in the demo.


    Bill Robbins

    Hi Judy,

    Thank you for your business. Excellent question too. Pneuma is made a bit differently from our previous themes. Most of them had a separate page template for the home page that used one or more widget areas to add content to it.

    With Pneuma, we’ve built it to use the Page Builder plugin ( We did it that way so that could create as many pages with the layout the home page has as you’d like to. That was not something that could easily be done with our previous way.

    So what you’ll do is create a page like you’ve done and set it to be displayed on the front page. Then make sure the Page Builder plugin ( is installed and activated.

    Then edit your home page. At the top of your content box where you would typically enter the content of your page, you’ll see a spot to click for the page builder. Click on it. That will replace the built in editor with the one from the plugin.

    It’s built around rows and widgets. You click the add row button to get started. The rows can be broken up into different numbers of columns or just have one. That can be changed as needed later on.

    After you have a row you can add widgets. Click the add widget button and select the widget you’d like to use. It’ll have the same options they have in the Appearance > Widgets section of your dashboard.

    In the demo, the home page has three rows. The first row has one column with the Recent Series widget in it. The second row also has one column with the Contact — Service Times and Map widget in it. The last row has a text widget in it.

    I’ve attached a screenshot of what the front page looks like on the backend to this post. I will put together a video walkthrough of creating the home page tomorrow so that everyone can see the ins and outs of it.

    The page builder people also have a quick introductory video to their plugin. I’ve pasted it in below as it’ll also give you an idea of how it works.

    You can also use the sample content to get started. Many people find having that starting with that is a good way to begin.

    As you have questions, let me know.

    Thanks again,

    Bill Robbins

    The page builder also has an import/export feature. I haven’t test this out before, but you’re welcome to give importing the home page of the demo a shot. You can download the file from

    Then edit your home page. Click on the “prebuilt” button and choose the import/export option on the left. I believe you can upload the file there.

    Again I haven’t tested it out, but that might be a good option too.

    Take care,

    Judy Rich

    Hi Bill,

    Thank you for your quick response! There’s always a learning curve for each new theme/company. 🙂 After I posted this last night I also found the page that has all the sample data for each theme so that I could set up the site to look like the demo and go from there. Thank you!

    – Judy

    Bill Robbins

    Hello Judy,

    I’m glad you found the sample data and could make use of it to get started. If you run into any questions, just let me know.

    Have a great weekend,

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